Whiskey: What You Should Know

Regardless of how it is served, appreciated, or called, it is inevitable that whiskey such as Singleton Whiskey for instance is one of the world’s most consumed and worshiped alcoholic beverages. Even because of this, many people are still intimidated when they come across the drink.

Like many other traditional drinks, the history of whiskey is uncertain, dating back many centuries. The closest form of the drink as we know it today is believed to have become popular in Ireland and Scotland around the 15th century.

At the time, the language spoken there was Gaelic, the language used by the Celtics who inhabited the region. The drink was then called “uisce beatha,” which gave rise to the term “whisky,” as the Scottish versions are known – and currently, also the English, Canadian and Japanese ones; and “whiskey,” as the Irish and American versions are known. While whiskeys of Scottish origin are known as “scotch,” whiskey of Irish origin is called “Irish.”

What Is The Difference Between Whiskey And Bourbon?

With substantial immigration and Irish influence, the United States has become one of whiskey’s leading consumers and product key. The country has even created its derivative of the drink, “bourbon,” as drinks made with at least 51% corn kernels and initially produced in Kentucky are known, following a specific distillation recipe. In this way, it is possible to say that all bourbon is a whiskey, but not all whiskey is a bourbon. This is the main difference between whiskey and bourbon.

In addition, other variations of the drink, such as “Tenneesee whiskey” and “rye whiskey,” are similar to bourbon but made with mostly rye instead of corn. There is also a distinction between blended whiskeys, made from a mixture of malts and grains, and the “single malt,” generally produced only from barley.