Do you struggle with oily skin? If so, you’re in good company. Many people find that they have trouble keeping oily skin at bay, and niacinamide can help you keep it that way! Niacinamide is a common ingredient found in food that can sometimes cause oily skin. It works by lowering the concentration of sebum (oil) in the skin’s oil glands.
In fact, too much niacinamide can make oily skin worse, as it clogs the pores and increases oil production. For this reason, it’s often used to treat acne . However, it’s also widely known to be a natural moisture absorber , which means that it can help keep oily skin at bay without clogging your pores or making you break out.
How To Use Niacinamide For Oily Skin
There are many ways to use niacinamide for oily skin. The most popular way is to mix a small amount of niacinamide with another alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) such as clindamycin, ethylglucuronide (Eg), or glyforgex. These AHA’s have the power to draw out excess sebum while leaving the skin’s surface hydrated. You can also use a retinol replacement such as adaxin-1 or tretinoin.
There are a few niacinamide benefits for oily skin, including:
- Improving skin’s barrier
- Reducing the production of additional sebum
- keeping pores unclogged
- Improving skin’s texture (more hydrated)
- Helping retain collagen
- which is good for skin that’s aging quickly
- Retinol replacement
How To Keep Oily Skin At Bay With Niacinamide
There are a few ways to keep oily skin at bay with niacinamide. One way is to avoid products with salicylic acid ( Whitening products and serums with salicylic acid often contain niacinamide, which can cause oily skin. Dry-shampooing is a great way to prevent oily skin. Dry shampoo is a process of mixing chemicals into your hair to get rid of traces of oil that may have built up while washing and conditioning your hair.
While it’s not a healthy way to go, it’s a quick and easy way to keep oily skin under control. You can also use a good moisturizer, such as a hydrating gel or treatment for oily skin. Look for ingredients like avocado, olive, or coconut oil that are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). These fatty acids can help keep your skin’s moisture content high, preventing oily skin from forming.
Which Niacinamide Is Right for You
If you’re finding that you breakout more often while using a particular AHA, beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), or surfactant, switch to a different product until your skin adjusts to the new ingredients. Keep in mind that not all niacinamide products are created equally. Some have higher levels of salicylic acid (which can cause oily skin), while others have less. You can test out different brands to see what works best for you. Look for a product that has at least 10% niacinamide. If possible, go for a organic brand.
Check it here for you if you want to get the most effective niacinamide serum to help you with the various skin problems and worries that you have.