Controversial Health Care

Health care has become a hot button issue for politicians and voters in the recent past. Some people believe that there should be a universal health care system put into place so that every citizen has access to health coverage. Others think the health care system should stay the way it currently is with private health care companies in control as opposed to the government taking control of health policies.

As with every debate, money plays a role in the controversy behind health care. A public health system would cost hundreds of billions of dollars, which would add additional strain to the government’s already stretched budget. In order to finance a public health care plan, taxes would have to be raised. Some citizens who would carry the bulk of this tax burden don’t think they should have to, since they are not effected by the current care crisis.

The argument for the other side states that the current cost of health insurance is becoming so expensive that many Americans can’t afford to pay their monthly premiums. Also, uninsured Americans are presently costing hospitals millions of dollars every year in unpaid medical bills.

People who are against a universal care plan claim that healthy Americans who take care of themselves should not have to shoulder the burden of Americans who do not take care of themselves. Statistically, wealthier means healthier in America.

Those on the other side of the issue believe that every citizen should have access to safe and affordable health insurance coverage. They claim that this type of health plan is not available to everyone today for various reasons including having one of the many pre existing conditions that automatically disqualify millions of Americans from obtaining health insurance under the current system.

At it’s core, the controversy over health care comes about simply because it’s a subject that effects every single person in the United States, whether they are insured under the current system or not. A universal care plan would also mean more government interference in the individual lives of citizens, which is a subject that many have strong opinions about. Our health policies can determine our quality of life and can even determine whether we live or die. For some, a government run system could not only allow them the freedom to see a doctor whenever they needed to, but it could also mean receiving medical attention that could potentially save their life. Others who are currently covered and have a great insurance policy could see their coverage worsen to a point where their quality of life suffers dramatically.